Back to the Future – My Recent Experience Being Transported to a 1980s Proposal Shop
One of my favorite parts of being a consultant is having the
opportunity to work with a range of different companies, proposal shops, and
even other proposal consultants. This enables me to observe and learn new best
practices, work across different fields, and meet a variety of interesting
people with an array of backgrounds. However, I am also frequently put into
situations where I am reminded of how NOT to do proposals. This week I am
sharing with you a recent experience working with a team that has failed to
adjust their processes to match current procurement strategies within the
federal space.
Note: normally I would
avoid sharing such a specific experience as to avoid potential offense, but based
on conversations I had with the leadership of this group, this company is acutely
aware of the need to adjust their proposal processes.
My Experience Riding
in the DeLorian
A few months ago, I was asked to travel to a remote area to
support a proposal effort. Always up for a new experience, I packed my bags and
was on a plane within a couple of days. However, very little of my experience
to date could have prepared me for what I walked into that day. It was as if I
had been transported to a time in which I have never lived, but I have heard
much about. I walked into a war room full of individuals that had clearly been
using the exact same proposal process for the last four decades. You know the
one—where 30+ contributors are locked in a room together from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00
p.m., lunch and snacks are brought in daily, each author has a physical folder
to track the progress of their sections, edits are made using red line mark-ups
post red team, and all formatting and graphics integration are controlled by
the desktop publishers.
While I found this archaic process largely inefficient, I
did note some positive features as well. So I’ve outlined the key elements of
this process below, highlighting major pros and cons of each.
Where the Team Could Largely Improve
Working in a remote
location. The key benefit of flying contributors to a remote area is that
it forces the team to focus on proposal development. While in this remote war
room, there was no such thing as a day job. Contributors were 100% focused on
the proposal. The team was also less inclined to leave early. This is because
there was not much to do in the town, and there were no distractions from
friends and family. The biggest disadvantage? The travel costs. My
recommendation? Keep the core team collocated, fly in key contributors if
necessary, and allow other team members to contribute virtually.
Collocated team.
Having everyone collocated fosters in-person collaboration among contributors
and encourages asking questions face-to-face rather than relying on email or
telephone correspondence. But it also fosters germ and virus sharing. Since no
dial in numbers were provided for meetings, individuals would show up in
person, even when under the weather. And because we were in such close
quarters, when one person got sick, all the other team members got sick as well.
Despite the associated travel costs for geographically dispersed team members, I’m
a huge fan of collocation when practical. But I also encourage virtual options
to make some remote work possible.
Large, dedicated
team. There were roughly 30 contributors for this proposal effort. Was this
a huge proposal response? Several hundred pages? Nope! It was a 50-page
response. For today’s standards, this proposal team was grossly overstaffed. However,
since it was such an inefficient process, the company needed to have
significantly more resources than more modern processes require. For the more
standard proposal process that we see today, we could have easily developed and
produced this response with about 1/3 of the resources.
Lunch and snacks were brought in. This
team was still holding on strong to the old tradition of providing daily
lunches and snacks in the war room. This had both positive and negative
effects. Providing lunch and snacks kept contributors on site and fueled
throughout the day. However, because contributors were not taking lunch and
other breaks, they were likely less productive overall.
such long hours—7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., 7-days a week—actually makes
contributors less efficient and effective. This is because humans are simply not
wired to work for such long durations without breaks. After about an hour or
so, our productivity starts to wane. My vote on the issue? While I think
bringing in lunch every day is excessive, I encourage providing snacks,
allowing lunch breaks, and springing for dinner when you keep the team late.
These are all easy ways to foster improved productivity while showing that you
appreciate the team’s time and hard work.
Each author had a
physical section folder. For tactile individuals, this physical folder
structure can be a helpful process. But with the proposal collaboration tools available
today, this folder structure is established electronically, versions are
automatically tracked, everyone has access to other proposal sections, and the
entire team has visibility into the status and the workflow. In addition to
saving time and money, these tools support consistency across sections because
authors can easily read other sections. With the physical folder structure, too
often authors find themselves working in silos. There is a clear reason why most
organizations switched to online proposal workspaces years ago.
Red team was
conducted on hard copies. Hard copy red teams were being phased out when I
first entered the proposal field. Today’s processes have largely moved away
from this practice because conducting reviews using modern tools allows
reviewers to simultaneously make comments on the same document. This creates
one document that incorporates all reviewer comments without any extra steps. This
saves so much time and effort for the proposal manager, proposal coordinator,
and proposal authors. Because the benefits are so clear, I have long been a
proponent of electronic reviews.
Edits were made using
red line mark-ups post red team, and the desktop publishing (DTP) team implemented
the changes. Because of the clear inefficiencies of the practice, I have
never been a proponent of hand-written red lines at any phase in the proposal
process. However, I do not have a problem with turning version control over to
production at a certain point in the process. Once a document has gone through
an edit and/or solid DTP cleanup, it is still common to keep version control
with the DTP/production team. But, in today’s best practices, it is more common
for this edit and clean-up to happen after
red team recovery and before the gold team. Gold team comments are then
collected electronically on a frozen document, and the production team
integrates the changes to maintain the integrity of the formatting. This creates
obvious efficiencies because red team recovery revisions can be made directly
into the section templates. It also prevents incorrect edits because typed
changes are much easier to read than written ones.
The proposal was
formatted using InDesign. This proposal team used InDesign to format the
proposal because the program provides much more control over things like kerning,
tracking, and leading. But this DTP team ignored all concepts of visual appeal
to jam as much content onto a page as possible—creating blankets of text with
virtually no whitespace to break up the narrative. This not only made the
proposal ugly, it made it extremely difficult to read. It would be hard for
evaluators to not let this negative impression affect their score of the
What’s more, because this team used InDesign, graphics were developed
100% separately from the text. So it ended up being a guessing game as to
whether each author had written just enough, too much, or not enough text for
each section. Today’s processes largely use Microsoft Word to format proposals
from the start using templates designed to the RFP’s font and formatting
requirements. This creates greater efficiencies because: 1) each author can
largely tell whether they have written too much content; 2) graphics can be
integrated into the text more seamlessly, again, helping understand page
targets from the start. Not only are most government customers today requesting
the soft copies to be in Microsoft Word, many government customers have been
catching on to the spacing shenanigans, so more and more RFPs are now
forbidding adjustments to these advanced formatting elements.
What the Team Did Well
Despite all the areas this team had for improvement, this
team also had many areas where they excelled:
Visual status of the proposal
progress was readily available on the war room walls. Because everyone was
collocated, the war room wall was an effective way to communicate the
up-to-date status of each piece of the proposal. Whether physically displaying
this on the wall, or displaying it electronically using collaboration software,
I am a huge proponent of this practice. Read more on how this practice aligns
with some of my recommended Agile tools for proposals.
The contributions of
the team and the reviewers were clearly articulated and reinforced by corporate
leadership. Following the red team, the president of the company spoke the
team, genuinely thanked us, and explained how important the work this proposal was
for the community where it was to be performed. He put into clear perspective
how many lives would be impacted by the work. It was a very powerful message—and
a very strong motivator for the team. I have found that we don’t see this level
of perspective articulated as frequently in today’s market. This message is too
often lost in the daily grind of the business. If you’re a regular reader of
this blog, you’ll know I am a huge advocate of contextualizing the
contributions of the proposal team.
The proposal manager kept
things interesting. The proposal manager mixed things up by having a daily
safety topic, which broke up the monotony of the proposal status update. The
safety content shared each day was quite informative and generally interesting.
In addition to this structured diversion, we also had one seasoned contributor
who would bring levity to the stand-up meeting by including a cheesy joke along
with his proposal section status. This habit of keeping things interesting is
another best practice of for which I am a huge advocate.
Back to the Future
Now I know the proposal process that I just described was
popular in the heyday of proposals—when teams started working long before the
RFP was released, and RFP turnarounds were at least 60 days. However, much of
the proposal industry started moving away from this paper-based process years
ago. When I entered the industry in 2007, I saw glimpses of this process still
hanging on—and over the first few years of my career, I watched as most of
these practices were slowly phased out.
At the start of my career, while most shops had started
using SharePoint, Privia, or other similar proposal collaboration tools, many
proposal shops were still managing graphics using physical folders. But by
2014, I stopped seeing physical folders used completely. Why? Because it’s
simply inefficient. Using collaborative software to manage the graphics in,
graphics out, and graphics updates processes not only saves time, it also
seamlessly leaves a trail of requested changes and prevents the panic of—gasp—a
folder getting lost.
So why had this team held on so strongly to a process that
so many others abandoned years ago? I suspect that it had to do with the
organization’s main customer. Up until recently, this particular government customer
still had the same old Contracting Officers, issuing RFPs under the same old
acquisition strategy. They were still releasing RFPs with very large page counts,
long draft RFP stages, and 60+-day turnaround times. So, other than cost
savings, there was really no benefit to this company of changing their process.
However, today this government customer has younger
Contracting Officers who are implementing more agile procurement strategies. And
the old process just doesn’t cut it for this type of RFP. So now, years after so
many of us have phased in these changes—this company has learned that it’s time
to make some major adjustments.
What the Past has Taught
us About the Present and Vice Versa
Though I think we can pretty much all agree that this
company will benefit greatly from adopting the best practices of today, there
is still much that the company can leverage from its old processes. And as
outsiders looking in, we too can learn from this little trip back in time. We
can learn from the careful status tracking and information sharing of the past and
make sure we are vigilant in maintaining visibility to these statuses. We can
learn from the benefits of committed senior leadership and the positive impacts
they bring when they clearly contextualize the contributions for the team. We
are also reminded of the collaborative benefits of having a dedicated and
largely collocated team. And finally, we are reminded to mix things up and try
to keep things interesting for the team.
Written by Ashley Kayes, CP APMP
Senior Proposal Consultant, AOC Key Solutions, Inc. (KSI)
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