How to Maintain Balance and Mindfulness

Business development is stressful work. Proposals are critical revenue drivers and job sources for many companies—so a lot is on the line. Because of this, proposals can mean long hours and time spent away from family and friends. However, maintaining these high levels of stress for too long can lower our morale, negatively affect our health, and lead to burnout. But no part of the proposal process is more important than our health, so maintaining balance is critical. Here are six strategies I use to manage the stress: Start out Each Day Right Remember to Take Breaks Write Things Down Decompress Regularly Get Enough Sleep Make Time to Get Away 1. Start out Each Day Right This one is very difficult for me when I have an early rising proposal team; however, I personally perform much better when I start out the day with a healthy breakfast and a short morning workout. Here are my tips, especially for those of you who, like me, are not morning people. ...